评价 Testimonial
Grateful for group photos and testimonial videos from friends around the world.
谢谢 美国 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from USA for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 中国 广州 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from China, Guangzhou for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 沙巴 哥打京那峇鲁 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from Sabah, Kota Kinabalu for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 蒲种 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from Puchong for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 沙捞越 米里 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from Miri, Sarawak for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 澳门 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to our friends from Macao for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 这班来自 中国 的朋友给的赞,也要谢谢 黄夫妇 的信任,让我接待他们的超级贵宾。🌈 感恩
Thank you for the likes from friends from China, and also thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wong for their trust in allowing me to host them as super VIP guests. 🌈 Grateful.
这班来自 上海 的朋友 ,在西马玩了 8天7夜,分别去了:槟城、怡保、马六甲、柔佛。🌈
谢谢 上海 的这班贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
This group of friends from Shanghai spent 8 days and 7 nights traveling in West Malaysia, visiting Penang, Ipoh, Malacca, and Johor. 🌈
Thank you to our friends from Shanghai for recording this testimonial video for 🥰 Grateful.
谢谢 沙捞越 米里 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Miri, Sarawak, for recording this testimonial video for "Friend Car" 🥰 Grateful 🌈
谢谢 两位 台湾 的贵人,也要谢谢 黄夫妇 和 陈总 的信任,让我接待他们的超级贵宾。🌈 感恩
I wouldn't dare to dream that I would be taking photos with the bosses of two multinational companies 🌈, and in the photo, the big bosses even gave me a thumbs up.
Thank you to the two big bosses from Taiwan, and also gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Wong and General Manager Chen for their trust, allowing me to host their super VIPs. 🌈 Grateful.
谢谢 越沙捞越 诗巫 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Sibu, Sarawak, for recording this testimonial video for "Friend Car" 🥰 Grateful 🌈
谢谢 沙捞越 米里 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Miri, Sarawak, for recording this testimonial video for "Friend Car" 🥰 Grateful 🌈
谢谢 巴生 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Klang, for recording this testimonial video for [Friend Car] 🥰 Grateful 🌈
感谢 一班小学生 为【朋友车】录了个评价视频 🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you for the evaluation video that these primary school classmates recorded for [Friend Car] 🥰 Grateful 🌈 It's really not easy for a group of elementary school students to maintain friendship until now
谢谢这班 来自 沙捞越 诗巫 的 朋友 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to friends from Sibu , Sarawak for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
谢谢这班 来自 沙捞越 古晋 的 朋友 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to friends from Kuching , Sarawak for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
谢谢这班 来自 安邦 的 朋友 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to friends from Ampang for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
谢谢这班 来自 马六甲 的 朋友 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to friends from Melacca for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
谢谢这班 来自 香港 的 一家人 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to this family from Hong Kong for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
谢谢这班 来自 蒲种 的 朋友 对【朋友车】的信赖与支持,
也感谢你们在照片里给的赞,🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you to friends from Puchong for your trust and support for 【Friend Car】. Also, appreciate the likes you gave in the photos. 🙏🏻 Grateful.
感谢🙏🏻 云南 可爱的姑娘 🥰 为【朋友车】录了一分多钟的评价视频 🙏🏻 感恩 🥰
Thank you 🙏🏻 to the lovely girl from Yunnan 🥰 who recorded a video review of [Friend Car] for over a minute 🙏🏻 Grateful.
2019 感谢 🙏🏻 真的没想到来自 越南 美食界的大老板 🥰 会答应我的要求帮【朋友车】录个评价视频,😆 感恩 💝 感恩
Really didn't expect the big boss from the Vietnamese culinary world 🥰 to agree to my request to help record an evaluation video for [Friend's Car], 😆 grateful!
谢谢 重庆 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Chongqing, for recording this testimonial video for [Friend Car] 🥰 Grateful 🌈
感谢🙏🏻 江苏无锡 的老师 🥰 为【朋友车】录了个评价视频 😆 感恩 💝 感恩
Thank you 🙏🏻 to the teacher from Wuxi, Jiangsu, who recorded an evaluation video for 【Friend Car】 🥰 😆 Grateful 💝 Grateful
谢谢 中国 和 台湾 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩
Thank you to the family from Taiwan and China, for recording this testimonial video for [Friend Car] 🥰 Grateful
谢谢 上海 的这家贵人为【朋友车】录的这段评价视频 🥰 感恩 🌈
Thank you to the family from Shanghai, for recording this testimonial video for [Friend Car] 🥰 Grateful 🌈