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🥰 我们的包车旅游会玩、会吃、会拍照,不走伴手礼的行程,都以当地的美食小吃特色景点来安排。

🥰 我们的服务包括:陪伴走每个景点(付费景点除外),跟你们拍照,讲解景点的历史故事,协助照顾长辈与小孩。

🥰 我们的服务都以司机兼导游的服务方式,跟一般放下你们在景点,特定时间回来接你们的司机不同。

🥰 包车旅游就是不想跟团体旅游一样的方式,时间自由,行程安排弹性,用餐不是大团体用餐,所以用餐时也能比较深入轻松的方式。

吉隆坡 - 霹雳太平 - 瓜拉古楼
( 三天两夜 )

7 人团 = RM 760 / 人
6 人团 = RM 835 / 人
5 人团 = RM 945 / 人
4 人团 = RM 1105 / 人
包括:瓜拉古楼海鲜晚餐,行程里的景点门票,住宿,景点解说,矿泉水,租车费,过路费,停车费,燃油费 。

车费 : RM 3240
包括:景点解说,矿泉水,租车费,过路费,停车费 。

采用车型标准为: 现代 H-1 辉翼
Hyundai Starex MPV
(7 位朋友 + 行李)
(8 位朋友以上可另做安排)

⏰ 我们服务时间一天是 10 小时
⏰ 超过 10 小时为加班
⏰ 加班铺贴:RM90 / 小时
⏰ 我们服务时间是从 07:00 - 23:00。
⏰ 过了服务时间为夜班,
⏰ 夜班补贴:RM120 / 小时

😊【朋友车】没有隐藏收费,基本上补贴费与加班费全都都写清楚 😊

你旅游只是为了拍照打卡 📸、品尝道地美食 😋。

电话联络 / LINE : +6016-6662298
微信号 : friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

🥰 Our charter tours include activities like sightseeing, dining, and photography. We focus on local culinary delights and unique attractions, without incorporating obligatory souvenir stops.

🥰 Our services include: accompanying you to each attraction (excluding paid ones), taking photos for you, explaining the historical stories of the attractions, and assisting with the care of the elderly and children.

🥰 Our services are all provided in the form of driver cum guide, unlike regular drivers who drop you off at the scenic spots and come back at a designated time to pick you up.

🥰 Chartered tours offer a different experience from group tours, but you have the freedom to manage your time and flexible itinerary. Dining is not with a large group, allowing for a more relaxed and immersive dining experience.

Kuala Lumpur - Taiping - Kuala Kurau
( 3 Days 2 Nights )

(Including one dinner,accommodation,entrance ticket and tour packages)
Group of 7 pax RM 760 / pax
Group of 6 pax RM 835 / pax
Group of 5 pax RM 945 / pax
Group of 4 pax RM 1105 / pax
Including: Kuala Kurau Seafood Dinner, accommodation, admission tickets for attractions during the itinerary, attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, fuel .
Excluding: Meal expenses, shopping expenses.

(Excluding accommodation,entrance ticket and tour packages)
Transportation Fee : RM 3240
Includes: Attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees .
Excluding: Accommodation fees, meal expenses, entrance ticket fees, shopping expenses.

The vehicle model standard adopted is:  Hyundai Starex MPV
(7 passengers + luggage)
(Arrangements can be made for more than 8 passengers).

⏰ Our service hours are 10 hours per day.
⏰ Working beyond 10 hours is considered overtime.
⏰ Overtime rate: RM90 per hour.
⏰ Our service hours are from 07:00 to 23:00.
⏰ Working beyond service hours is considered night shift.
⏰ Night shift allowance: RM120 per hour.

😊【Friend Car】does not have any hidden charges. Basically, all the subsidy fees and overtime fees are clearly stated. 😊

You travel not only to take photos and check in 📸, and to taste authentic cuisine 😋, but also to learn about the stories and history behind the attractions.

Let "Friend Car" take you for a ride,
To share with you some history and stories.
Those interested, please contact: Mickey
Phone / LINE contact: +6016-6662298
WeChat ID: friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

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