C17 萌萌小猪月饼 Piggy Mooncakes
RM45.00 / 一盒 ~ per box
1盒 = 4粒 ~ 每粒重量 70克 + - / 4pcs = per box ~ Each weight : 70g + -
味道 :白莲蓉
Flavor : White Lotus Paste
* 可以快递到全西马
* Can be Courier to all of West M'sia
* 季节性预定 / Seasonal Booking *
(下单后才开始制作, 无存现货 / start making after received order, no ready stock)
【限量销售】 萌萌小猪是经由小店主纯手工捏制而成的,而且每一只小猪造型也是独一无二的。小萌猪分别由猪头,猪身,猪鼻子,耳朵,眼睛及小巧卷曲的猪尾巴,每一只经由纯手工细心慢慢揉捏而成的。萌萌滴样子非常吸晴也非常讨喜。无论大人小朋友看到都会非常喜欢它 !!许多小朋友更是把它当成“”宝贝“”不舍得把它吃掉呢~~ 【精美独立包装礼盒】~【送礼佳品】
【Freshly baked on the same day, homemade fillings, crafted by hand, without any additives 、preservatives 、artificial colors 、using the finest ingredients.】
【Best before 2 week after delivery date, can keep up to 3 week】
成分 :面粉 ,鸡蛋 ,糖浆 ,碱水 ,纯花生油 ,莲蓉馅
ingredients :flour ,egg ,golden syrup ,alkaline water ,groundnut oil ,
white lotus paste
萌萌小猪月饼 Piggy Mooncakes