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🥰【泰和堂民俗文化馆】- 展示了大量芙蓉历史文物,它们在创办人兼导览的黄先生修复下,一些历史文物都复活啦,经过黄先生的讲解下仿佛穿越回到这座老城的旧时光。

🥰【又见马六甲】 - 是一部大型情景体验剧,这部剧以“时间船”为主轴,通过不同的故事,展现了马六甲600多年的沧桑变迁,此外,该剧还采用了最新的科技手段,结合特有的音效和360度舞台旋转技术,为观众呈现了一场震撼人心的艺术盛宴。


吉隆坡 - 芙蓉 -马 六甲
( 一日游 )

【 为了达到 2024 的目标,不拿工资,只为达目标 】
  • 先折扣
  • 后再送2小时游玩时间
  • 只限 2024 出行
  • *需符合条件*
📷 全程【陪伴参观景点】与【拍照】

7人团 RM250/人  (原价 RM285)
6人团 RM268/人  (原价 RM310)
5人团 RM293/人  (原价 RM345)
4人团 RM330/人  (原价 RM395)
(乐龄朋友另外扣 RM30/人)

车费 : RM750 (原价 RM1000)

采用车型标准为: 现代 H-1 辉翼
Hyundai Starex MPV
(最多 9位 朋友)

⏰ 我们服务时间一天是 10小时 (送 2 小时)
⏰ 超过 12 小时为加班
⏰ 加班铺贴:RM90/小时
⏰ 我们服务时间是从 07:00 - 23:00。
⏰ 过了服务时间为夜班,
⏰ 夜班补贴:RM120/小时

😊【朋友车】没有隐藏收费,基本上补贴费与加班费全都都写清楚 😊

你旅游只是为了拍照打卡 📸、品尝道地美食 😋。

电话联络 / LINE : +6016-6662298
微信号 : friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

🥰 【Tai He Tang Folk Culture Museum】- It showcases a large collection of historical artifacts from the Hibiscus City. Many of these artifacts have been restored by Mr. Huang, the museum’s guide and founder, bringing them back to life. Through his guided explanations, visitors feel as if they are transported back in time to the old days of this ancient city.

🥰【Encore Melaka】- This is a large-scale immersive theater performance. The show revolves around the central theme of the "Ship of Time" and uses various stories to illustrate Melaka's 600 years of history and transformation. Additionally, the production incorporates the latest technology, combining unique sound effects with a 360-degree rotating stage to present an awe-inspiring artistic spectacle for the audience.

🥰【Encore Melaka】- is directed by the famous Chinese director Wang Chaoge, who co-directed the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Her notable works include 《Impression Liu Sanjie》, 《Impression Lijiang》, 《Encore Pingyao》, among others.

Kuala Lumpur - Seremban - Malacca
( Day Tour )

  • First, enjoy a discount,
  • then get an additional 2 hours of playtime for free!
  • Valid for travel in 2024 only.
  • *Terms and Conditions Apply*
📷 Accompany you throughout the journey to visit attractions and take photos.
(Including accommodation and tour packages)
Group of 7 pax RM250/pax (N/P RM285)
Group of 6 pax RM268/pax (N/P RM310)
Group of 5 pax RM293/pax (N/P RM345)
Group of 4 pax RM330/pax (N/P RM395)
(Senior friends enjoy an additional RM30/pax discount.)
Including: Tickets for Tai He Tang Folk Culture Museum, tickets for "Encore Melaka" show, dinner, attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, fuel.
Excluding: Lunch, afternoon tea, shopping expenses.

(Excluding entrance ticket and tour packages)
Transportation Fee : RM750 (N/P RM1000) 
Includes: Attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, driver accommodation.
Excluding: Meal expenses, entrance ticket fees, shopping expenses.

The vehicle model standard adopted is:  Hyundai Starex MPV
( Max 9 passengers)
⏰ Our service hours are 10 hours per day. (Free 2 Hours)
⏰ Working beyond 12 hours is considered overtime.
⏰ Overtime rate: RM90 per hour.
⏰ Our service hours are from 07:00 to 23:00.
⏰ Working beyond service hours is considered night shift.
⏰ Night shift allowance: RM120 per hour.

😊【Friend Car】does not have any hidden charges. Basically, all the subsidy fees and overtime fees are clearly stated. 😊
You travel not only to take photos and check in 📸, and to taste authentic cuisine 😋, but also to learn about the stories and history behind the attractions.
Let "Friend Car" take you for a ride,
To share with you some history and stories.
Those interested, please contact: Mickey
Phone / LINE contact: +6016-6662298
WeChat ID: friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

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