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金马仑高原(Cameron Highlands)是马来西亚最大的高原度假胜地,它坐落在彭亨州内半岛主干山脉蒂蒂汪沙山脉海拔 1524 米的高处,金马仑高原由于地势高,全年气候清爽凉快,加上邻近赤道,全年温度介于摄氏15至24度。
它最吸引人之处在于其井然有序青翠的茶园,梯田式的花园,新鲜的蔬菜园,可随手栽食的草莓园,还有蜜蜂园,蝴蝶园和仙人掌世界。除此之外,喜欢大自然的朋友们也可登入原始森林漫步{Jungle trekking}或到临近的瀑布如依斯干达瀑布{Lata Iskandar}和;罗宾盛瀑布{Robinson Fall}享受大自然的美丽。

🥰 我们的包车旅游会玩、会吃、会拍照,不走伴手礼的行程,都以当地的美食小吃特色景点来安排。

🥰 我们的服务包括:陪伴走每个景点(付费景点除外),跟你们拍照,讲解景点的历史故事,协助照顾长辈与小孩。

🥰 我们的服务都以司机兼导游的服务方式,跟一般放下你们在景点,特定时间回来接你们的司机不同。

🥰 包车旅游就是不想跟团体旅游一样的方式,时间自由,行程安排弹性,用餐不是大团体用餐,所以用餐时也能比较深入轻松的方式。

吉隆坡 - 金马伦高山生态游
( 三天两夜 )

7 人团 = RM 765 / 人
6 人团 = RM 850 / 人
5 人团 = RM 975 / 人
4 人团 = RM 1160 / 人
车费 : RM3200

采用车型标准为: 现代 H-1 辉翼
Hyundai Starex MPV
(7 位朋友 + 行李)

⏰ 我们服务时间一天是 10 小时
⏰ 超过 10 小时为加班
⏰ 加班铺贴:RM90/小时
⏰ 我们服务时间是从 07:00 - 23:00。
⏰ 过了服务时间为夜班,
⏰ 夜班补贴:RM120/小时

😊【朋友车】没有隐藏收费,基本上补贴费与加班费全都都写清楚 😊

你旅游只是为了拍照打卡 📸、品尝道地美食 😋。

电话联络 / LINE : +6016-6662298
微信号 : friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

Cameron Highlands is Malaysia's largest hill resort, situated at an elevation of 1524 meters in the Titiwangsa Mountains' Ti Tiwangsa Range in the state of Pahang on the peninsula. Due to its high altitude, Cameron Highlands enjoys a cool and pleasant climate throughout the year. Its proximity to the equator keeps temperatures ranging from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius.

Apart from producing tea, Cameron Highlands is also the largest temperate vegetable and flower cultivation area in Malaysia. Its vegetables and flowers are not only supplied to the local market but also exported to regions such as Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

One of its most appealing features is its well-organized and lush tea plantations, terraced gardens, fresh vegetable plots, easily accessible strawberry fields, as well as bee farms, butterfly gardens, and a cactus world. Additionally, nature enthusiasts can explore the primary jungle through jungle trekking or visit nearby waterfalls like Lata Iskandar and Robinson Fall to revel in the beauty of nature.

🥰 Our charter tours include activities like sightseeing, dining, and photography. We focus on local culinary delights and unique attractions, without incorporating obligatory souvenir stops.

🥰 Our services include: accompanying you to each attraction (excluding paid ones), taking photos for you, explaining the historical stories of the attractions, and assisting with the care of the elderly and children.

🥰 Our services are all provided in the form of driver cum guide, unlike regular drivers who drop you off at the scenic spots and come back at a designated time to pick you up.

🥰 Chartered tours offer a different experience from group tours, but you have the freedom to manage your time and flexible itinerary. Dining is not with a large group, allowing for a more relaxed and immersive dining experience.

Kuala Lumpur - Cameron Ecotourism

(Including accommodation,entrance ticket and tour packages)
Group of 7 pax RM 765 / pax
Group of 6 pax RM 850 / pax
Group of 5 pax RM 975 / pax
Group of 4 pax RM 1160 / pax

Including: Accommodation, off-road vehicle tickets,  admission tickets for attractions during the itinerary, attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, fuel, driver accommodation.
Excluding: Meal expenses, shopping expenses.

(Excluding accommodation,entrance ticket and tour packages)
Transportation Fee: RM3200
Includes: Attraction explanation, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, driver accommodation.
Excluding: Meal expenses, off-road vehicle tickets, entrance ticket fees, accommodation fees, shopping expenses.

The vehicle model standard adopted is:  Hyundai Starex MPV 
(7 passengers + luggage)
(Arrangements can be made for more than 8 passengers).

⏰ Our service hours are 10 hours per day.
⏰ Working beyond 10 hours is considered overtime.
⏰ Overtime rate: RM90 per hour.
⏰ Our service hours are from 07:00 to 23:00.
⏰ Working beyond service hours is considered night shift.
⏰ Night shift allowance: RM120 per hour.

😊【Friend Car】does not have any hidden charges. Basically, all the subsidy fees and overtime fees are clearly stated. 😊

You travel not only to take photos and check in 📸, and to taste authentic cuisine 😋, but also to learn about the stories and history behind the attractions.
Let "Friend Car" take you for a ride,
To share with you some history and stories.
Those interested, please contact: Mickey
Phone / LINE contact: +6016-6662298
WeChat ID: friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

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