E11 香蕉巧克力核桃蛋糕 Banana Chocolate Walnut Cake
RM17.00 / 盒 ~ per box
尺寸 :5 x 7 寸 (350g ++)
Size :5 x 7 inch (350g ++)
📆 日期 / Date :Contact Customer Service
【Welcome to book in advance】
🚗 我们也提供外送服务
We also provide delivery service
💛 现做现卖,保证新鲜
💛 减糖,无香精
💛 无色素,无泡打粉
💛 本地新鲜kampung香蕉制作
💛 纽西兰进口上等纯牛油制作
💛 Guaranteed fresh
💛 Less sugar, no fragrance,
💛 No coloring, no baking powder
💛 Made with fresh local kampung banana
💛 Made with imported premium butter from New Zealand
💛 Made with imported flour from Singapore
【Store at room temperature for 3 days. After 3 days, you need to store it in the refrigerator for another two days. Take it out of the refrigerator and eat it.】
成分 :香蕉,巧克力,核桃,面粉,鸡蛋,牛油,糖
ingredients :Banana ,Chocolate ,Walnut ,flour ,egg ,butter ,sugar
💖 点击以下 “甜品菜单” 链接,里面有更详细甜品的资讯、制作过程视频、烘焙师创业历程
💖 Click the link below to see the “ Dessert Menu ”,detailed information of the dessert , baking process video,and story about how the baker startup the business.