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📌 彩虹瀑布:双溪林明的标志性景点,瀑布水流如丝如缕,在阳光的照射下会形成美丽的彩虹,是摄影爱好者的天堂。

📌 云海:站在双溪林明的山顶,你会被一片白茫茫的云海所包围,仿佛置身于仙境之中。太阳的光芒透过云层,照亮整个世界,美景令人陶醉。

📌 热带雨林:这里拥有茂密的热带雨林,林明镇有棵地标大树,这棵大树经过几个世纪的洗礼,遇过战争、严重水灾、恶劣天气,现在还高大挺拔,枝繁叶茂,仿佛是大自然的守护者。


📌 锡矿博物馆:展示了双溪林明丰富的锡矿资源和采矿历史,让游客了解这片土地的发展历程和文化背景。


📌 当地美食:双溪林明的美食也是一大亮点,游客可以品尝到各种地道的林明美食,如山水豆腐花、林明面 。。等等,满足味蕾的享受。


📌 徒步探险:双溪林明周边有众多徒步线路,游客可以沿着山路徒步前行,

🥰 我们的包车旅游会玩、会吃、会拍照,不走伴手礼的行程,都以当地的美食小吃特色景点来安排。

🥰 我们的服务包括:陪伴走每个景点(付费景点除外),跟你们拍照,讲解景点的历史故事,协助照顾长辈与小孩。

🥰 我们的服务都以司机兼导游的服务方式,跟一般放下你们在景点,特定时间回来接你们的司机不同。

🥰 包车旅游就是不想跟团体旅游一样的方式,时间自由,行程安排弹性,用餐不是大团体用餐,所以用餐时也能比较深入轻松的方式。

吉隆坡 - 双溪林明镇

( 两天一夜 )

【 为了达到 2024 的目标 】
  • 先折扣
  • 后再送2小时游玩时间
  • 只限 2024 出行
* 需符合条件 *

7人团 RM460/人 (原价 RM520)
6人团 RM500/人 (原价 RM570)
5人团 RM550/人 (原价 RM635)
4人团 RM630/人 (原价 RM735)
包括:度假村 住宿,矿泉水,租车费,过路费,停车费,燃油费。
不包括:度假村以外的 餐饮费,购物费,彩虹瀑布
车费 : RM1600 (原价 2000)

采用车型标准为: 现代 H-1 辉翼
Hyundai Starex MPV
(7 位朋友 + 行李)
(8 位朋友以上可另做安排)
⏰ 服务时间一天是 10小时 (送 2小时)
⏰ 超过12小时为加班
⏰ 加班铺贴:RM90/小时
⏰ 我们服务时间是从 07:00 - 23:00。
⏰ 过了服务时间为夜班,
⏰ 夜班补贴:RM120/小时

😊【朋友车】没有隐藏收费,基本上补贴费与加班费全都都写清楚 😊
你旅游只是为了拍照打卡 📸、品尝道地美食 😋。
电话联络 / LINE : +6016-6662298
微信号 : friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

Sungai Lembing is an area rich in tourism resources, with its highlights mainly manifested in the following aspects:

Natural landscapes:

📌 Rainbow Waterfall:a symbol of Sungai Lembing, features cascading water resembling silk threads, creating beautiful rainbows under the sunlight, making it a paradise for photography enthusiasts.

📌 Sea of clouds:Standing atop Sungai Lembing's hills, you'll find yourself surrounded by a vast expanse of white clouds, as if in a fairyland. The sun's rays penetrate through the clouds, illuminating the entire world, creating a breathtaking scene.

📌 Tropical Rainforest:This area boasts dense tropical rainforests. In Lembing Town stands a landmark giant tree that has weathered centuries of wars, severe floods, and harsh weather. Despite it all, it still stands tall and majestic, with lush foliage, as if it were the guardian of nature.

History and Culture:

📌 Tin Mining Museum:Showcasing Sungai Lembing's abundant tin mining resources and its mining history, allowing visitors to understand the development and cultural background of this land.

Food Experience:

📌 Local Cuisine:The cuisine of Sungai Lembing is also a highlight, where visitors can taste a variety of authentic local delicacies such as mountain spring tofu pudding, Lembing noodles, and more, satisfying their taste buds.

Outdoor Activities:

📌 Hiking Adventure:There are numerous hiking trails around Sungai Lembing, where visitors can trek along mountain paths.

🥰 Our charter tours include activities like sightseeing, dining, and photography. We focus on local culinary delights and unique attractions, without incorporating obligatory souvenir stops.

🥰 Our services include: accompanying you to each attraction (excluding paid ones), taking photos for you, explaining the historical stories of the attractions, and assisting with the care of the elderly and children.

🥰 Our services are all provided in the form of driver cum guide, unlike regular drivers who drop you off at the scenic spots and come back at a designated time to pick you up.

🥰 Chartered tours offer a different experience from group tours, but you have the freedom to manage your time and flexible itinerary. Dining is not with a large group, allowing for a more relaxed and immersive dining experience.

Kuala Lumpur - Sungai Lembing tour
( 2 Days 1 Nights )

  • First, enjoy a discount,
  • then get an additional 2 hours of playtime for free!
  • Valid for travel in 2024 only.
* Terms and Conditions Apply *

(Including Resort accommodation tour packages)
Group of 7 pax RM460/pax (N/P RM520)
Group of 6 pax RM500/pax (N/P RM570)
Group of 5 pax RM550/pax (N/P RM635)
Group of 4 pax RM630/pax (N/P RM735)
Including: Resort Accommodation,  admission tickets for attractions during the itinerary, mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, fuel, driver accommodation.
Within the resort package there are:guided tours of scenic spots, herbal foot baths, mountain and water swimming pools, afternoon tea, dinner, and breakfast.
Excluding: Dining expenses outside the resort, shopping expenses, rainbow waterfall。

(Excluding accommodation,entrance ticket and tour packages)
Transportation Fee : RM1600 (N/P RM2000)
Includes: mineral water, car rental fee, tolls, parking fees, driver accommodation.
Excluding: Meal expenses, entrance ticket fees, accommodation fees, shopping expenses.

The vehicle model standard adopted is:  Hyundai Starex MPV
(7 passengers + luggage)
(Arrangements can be made for more than 8 passengers).
⏰ Our service hours are 10 hours per day. (Free 2 Hours)
⏰ Working beyond 12 hours is considered overtime.
⏰ Overtime rate: RM90 per hour.
⏰ Our service hours are from 07:00 to 23:00.
⏰ Working beyond service hours is considered night shift.
⏰ Night shift allowance: RM120 per hour.

😊【Friend Car】does not have any hidden charges. Basically, all the subsidy fees and overtime fees are clearly stated. 😊

You travel not only to take photos and check in 📸, and to taste authentic cuisine 😋, but also to learn about the stories and history behind the attractions.
Let "Friend Car" take you for a ride,
To share with you some history and stories.
Those interested, please contact: Mickey
Phone / LINE contact: +6016-6662298
WeChat ID: friendcar2298
FB Messenger : m.me/friendcar2298

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