FriendCar - Ultimate Travel Companion
The concept of friend car.
I hope friends car can "stand in" for the dutiful children, taking their parents on trips together. No need for parents to wait until their children have time off to travel.. Moreover, when parents go on trips with some of their old friends, they will have a more enjoyable .
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The growth of Friend Car
那就是你认为我的服务值多少钱,你就给多少车资. “红包任你给,不满意不收钱”
Friend Car was established on June 19, 2016.
At the beginning, we wanted friends to know about our service and attitude. At that time, Friend Car boldly ran an airport pick-up promotion.
That means you pay as much as you think your friend's car service is worth.
'Pay what you want, and if you're not satisfied, you don't have to pay.